The aim of this study was to examine the relation between temperamental characteristics (approach-withdrawal, persistence, rhythmicity and reactivity) of 5-6 year old children and peer victimization. The sample of the study consists of 211 children (girls=107 and boys=104) selected by simple random sampling method among 5-6 years old children continuing preschool education classes at the city of Çorum in Turkey. Data of the study was collected by Peer Victimization Scale developed by Ladd and Kochenderfer-Ladd (2002) and The Short Temperament Scale for Children developed by Prior, Sanson & Oberklaid (1989). Teachers of the children were asked to complete the Peer Victimization Scale for each child in their classroom. Also, parents were asked to complete Short Temperament Scale for Children to determine the temperament characteristics of their child. Results of the study reveal that there are significant relations between gender, temperamental characteristics and peer victimization among 5-6 year old children.
Key Words: Early childhood education, Temperamental characteristics, Peer victimization, Pre-school children
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