This study was conducted as a case study of a collective composition learning model (CCLM) based on computer assisted collaborative learning framework which was attempted in a university liberal arts convergence studies course in South Korea. CCLM is considered to be an important learning model in the realm of education technology. Accordingly, many educators are currently proposing various research models related to the CCLM based on computer assisted collaborative learning. Although convergence studies curriculum and correlated or relevant curriculum can be learned recently at universities in Korea which regard it as a very important discipline to the extent that it is classified as a learning model, there are still challenges to maximizing learning effect due to characteristics of science and engineering, liberal arts and heterogeneous group courses. In order to solve this problem, we produced the CCLM based on web and applied this to courses. While taking characteristics of each team into consideration, the researchers applied Jigsaw II model and proposed a level of difficulty and learning topics to each team. According to the results of an extended TAM model application measured after one semester was completed, web based CCLM had a positive effect on heterogeneous learning groups. These results show that web based CCLM can be applied effectively to both university education and various forms of heterogeneous group learning model.
Keywords Heterogeneous group learning, Collective composition model, Collective efficacy, Self-regulatory efficacy, Flow, Technology acceptance model
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