The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between computer-internet usage and personal cohesion as self-actualization, emotional stability, neurotic tendencies and psychotic symptoms among university students. The research was conducted among university students in TRNC. The sample for the research consists of 38,8% (n=80) female, 61.2% (n=126) male, 206 university students by using the criterion sampling method. “Hacettepe Personality Inventory (HKE) - Personal Cohesion Scale” developed by Özgüven (1992) and Biographic-Demographic Information Form used as a means of collecting data. Considering purposes of the study percentage documentation average, crosstab and Pearson Moment’s correlation were figured out in data analysis. The statistical significance level was accepted as .05 in the study. The analysis of the data implies that there was a statistically meaningful strong positive correlation between internet usage and computer usage scores. This study showed that there is statistically significant correlation between personal cohesion as self-actualization, emotional stability, neurotic tendencies and psychotic symptoms with each other.
Keywords: Personal cohesion, computer usage, internet usage.
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