In this contemporary era, individuals should have great deal of skills with improvements since science and technology take progress rapidly. In this context, different learning methods should be used in schools. One of this methods is “Computer Assisted Instruction” based on the constructivist learning theory. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of computer-assisted instruction method on students achievement and attitudes towards mathematics in secondary mathematics education. The research was designed based on an experimental pre-test post-test model. The research was conducted in 60 ninth grade students from a anatolian high-school during 2009-2010 academic year. The experiment group consists of 30 students and the control group consists of 30 students. The research is implemented by using computer-assisted teaching material that is developed by Flash MX program related with the unit of “Relation, Function and Operation” of the area of learning algebra and took 10 weeks. Computer–assisted instruction and traditional instruction methods were used in the experiment group and the control group respectively.The data were collected by using the Mathematics Test, Mathematics Attitudes Scale. Our results demonstrated that teaching mathematics with a computer assisted instruction method increased student success significantly in mathematics lesson. However, the experimental and control groups did not differ between students’ attitudes towards mathematics.
Keywords: computer-assisted instruction, mathematics achievement, attitude towards mathematics.
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