Change has become commonplace in every sphere of life and learners must be taught as part of their formal and informal learning and development indoctrination to deal with many unknowns and interact in diverse environments. Diversity is an important asset in any educational establishment as well as the changing workplace and must be fully leveraged in the every teaching and learning curriculum in the Caribbean. When teaching and learning organizations embrace diversity as an element of their learning and development culture, learners are given a competitive edge, given the level of cultural sensitivity they develop in their interaction with other students who are dissimilar and when the teaching and learning process and content, address the subject of diversity. Thus, when students are prepared to deal with the challenges presented in the globally connected and economically linked society, they are better prepared to succeed in the workplace both locally and globally. Therefore, educators, policy-makers and workplace professionals must be intentional in their chosen inclusion strategies to truly cultivate a learning climate that is safe to learn because students are made to feel valued, recognized and appreciated for who they are and what they bring and share in each learning encounter.
Keywords: diversity; globalization; culturally dissimilar; education leadership, generationally dissimilar; linguistically dissimilar; ideologically dissimilar, biologically dissimilar, Caricom, economically dissimilar, West Indies, globalized teaching and learning, Caribbean, teaching and learning diversely.
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