Nowadays, leadership concept has changed into ability to work with team behaviour from doing something alone It is inevitable that school managements include their teachers to the leadership concept. Leadership of physics teachers who educate necessary individuals for developing society in views of technologically and scientifically is important. This study was aimed to determine relation of physics teachers’ leadership with burnout levels and attitudes towards change. 57 physics teachers working in Isparta city in Turkey at 2010-2011 educational years were determined as the sample of this correlation survey study. Teacher Leadership Scale (TLS), burnout inventory and attitude towards change scale were used as data tools. Results of study was found out that physics teachers’ burnout levels were very low. Expectation leadership behaviour and perceived leadership of the Physics’ teachers displaying leadership above normal level were significantly different. Besides, the relation between physics teachers’ attitudes towards change and leadership behaviour determined at medium level.
Keywords: Teacher leadership, school management, burnout, attitude towards change.
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