This paper is based on an in-progress project to detect challenges in the early stages of courseware development. An understanding of the perceptions and factors that motivate or impede faculty in the development of online course materials for their various undergraduate and diploma courses is to address and strengthen courseware development. The initiatives have been taken in the area of open courseware development for all undergraduate studies and the postgraduate diploma in education, PDDE at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria that is a pioneer in this regard in the country. A pure quantitative method using descriptive survey approach was adopted. Questionnaire was used for data collection. A test-retest reliability was embarked upon to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. A statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data and method of analysis included: percentages and frequency count. The findings reveal factors hindering faculty contribution to courseware development to include: lack of experience or orientation on courseware development, lack of motivation for faculty, lack of familiarity with courseware, etcetera. Adequate technical support is necessary for the lecturers to continue courseware development smoothly.
Keywords: open access; open courseware; institutional repositories; courseware development; developing countries; Africa; Nigeria
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