Internationalization of higher education is one of the key concepts for today’s institutions of higher education, and international students are at the very center of this concept. The number of international students in the United States has been growing continuously. Living and studying in a new social and academic environment generally come with new types of difficulties. Most common problems related to international students' adjustment process reported in the related literature are language problems, cultural adjustment problems, accommodation difficulties, discrimination, dietary restrictions, loneliness, homesickness, geographic distance from family and friends, understanding and adjusting to new social norms, adapting to new study and test taking techniques, and problems related to classroom instruction. There is a huge body of research that addresses various issues regarding international students studying in American universities and colleges. A considerable amount of studies in this wide literature is devoted to the needs and adjustment issues of international students. This paper presents current and historical perspectives of research on international students’ adjustment problems.
Keywords: international students, adjustment, academic culture, English language
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