The aim of this paper is to examine how global developments in education have altered the emphasis given to concerns of social equity. We begin this paper by examining globalisation, the changes that globalisation have imposed on teacher education, and the positioning of education management, education policy and social justice within these contexts. Next, we examine the ways in which globalisation and neo-liberalism, driven by the notion of ‘teacher quality’ and an increased reliance on standardised tests, have affected teacher education internationally, as well as in Australia, and the influence this has had on equity agendas. Following this, we examine pedagogical strategies such as Inquiry-Based Learning, learning through collaboration, and research literature inquiry models, identifying how these approaches serve diverse student bodies and disadvantaged students. As noted by Reay‘ Bernstein asserted that “education cannot compensate for society”, but schools that aspire to be “incubators of democracy” have a moral duty to try’ (2011, 2).
Keywords: globalisation, social justice, epistemological equity, inquiry-based learning
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