The study assessed the extent to which active listening, low stake quizzes, and use of flashcards, jigsaw method, use of flow chart and formative evaluation predict academic achievement among the participants in university of Ibadan, faculty of Education, Oyo state, Nigeria. The descriptive research design of correlational type was used for the study. Simple random sampling procedure was used to include 501 students in the department of Counselling and Human Development studies for the study. Three research questions guided the study. 42-item questionnaires for participants were used for data collection. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for the questionnaire was 0.73, respectively. The results showed that, to a great extent, that integrating these teaching methods could enhance academic achievement among the learners. Also, the results showed that, all the teaching strategies and methods used were significantly predicted - active listening, low stake quizzes, and use of flashcards, jigsaw method, use of flow chart and formative evaluation –academic achievement among learners. The researcher recommends that all teachers and most especially the teachers in training should be exposed to all the strategies considered in this study and they should put it in to practice when they are teaching their learners. Also, It is recommended that teachers are given timely in-service training on these strategies in order to enhance academic achievement of their learners. Furthermore, Oyo state teaching service commission should allocate funds for workshops, seminars and others for teachers on teaching methodologies and new innovations on knowledge impartation.
Keywords: Teacher, teaching strategies, formative assessment, predictors, academicremove keywords: teacher, teaching strategies, formative assessment, predictors, academic.
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