

Reading disorders (RD) are complex, brain-based difficulties that hinder the ability to read and interpret text, affecting a broad demographic. These disorders are characterized not by sensory impairments, low intelligence, or poor education but are a persistent challenge often extending into adulthood. Individuals with RD struggle with phonological and orthographic processing, and exhibit deficits in processing speed, rapid automatized naming, working memory, and executive functions, which are crucial for efficient reading. The effects of RD also permeate into areas beyond reading, such as music education, where these disorders can affect the processing of musical notation and rhythms. However, integrating music training with reading instruction shows potential for remediation. Music can enhance language-related skills due to the shared cognitive processes involved in both music and reading, particularly in improving auditory temporal processing abilities which are similar to those required for reading. Future research should continue to investigate this interdisciplinary approach, focusing on long-term studies to better understand and maximize the benefits of music for reading development. This exploration is vital as it could offer substantial improvements in the educational outcomes for children with reading disabilities.

Keywords: Reading disabilities, music, dyslexia, phonological processing, orthographic processing.


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