With the Coronavirus affecting the whole world, it has caused people to create a new order, and this new order has caused major changes in many sectors. Among the affected sectors, perhaps the education systems of the countries that have undergone the biggest change have been. In the new order, people had to carry out their work and education remotely during the pandemic. It is an undeniable fact that teachers have the biggest role in conducting distance education. Our aim in this study is to investigate the relationship between the satisfaction levels of prospective teachers, the teachers of the future, towards distance education based on information technologies and their attitudes towards distance education. In the study, Pearson Correlation Analysis was the technique used for the purpose of this. The sample of the study consists of 162 pre‑service science teachers' studying at the 1rd, 2rd, 3rd and 4rd grade levels in the 2021-2022 academic year. The research showed that there is a negative and statistically significant medium-level relationship between the attitude scores of prospective teachers towards distance education and the satisfaction levels of their students. In line with the results obtained here, it is planned to shed light on future research by suggesting how teacher candidates can better adapt to distance education and what can be done to prepare themselves for such a problem in the coming years.
Keywords: Attitude, distance education, information and communication technologies, satisfaction level.
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