STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education has become a necessity for a science and technology-driven world. There is an increasing emphasis on STEM education from the economic, political, and education sectors. The success of STEM education is possible with the effective implementation of STEM teaching strategies applied by teachers. Thus, teachers’ practices and understanding of STEM education are crucial. As an effort to understand, teachers’ practices of and opinions about STEM, this study explored science teachers’ perceptions about STEM education. Ten science teachers working in primary schools in Türkiye participated in the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants. The data obtained from semi-structured interviews were analyzed by using content analysis. Teachers’ perceptions were examined under four categories: Teachers’ perception of the integration of science, the applicability of STEM in Türkiye, the benefits of STEM education, and the barriers to effective STEM education. While teachers mainly addressed the need to integrate different disciplines in science education and the importance of introducing STEM to science classes, they aligned several factors such as schooling structure, resources and technology infrastructure, student characteristics, teacher readiness, and cultural appropriateness as potential barriers.
Keywords: Integration, perceptions, science teachers, STEM education.
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