The study examined staff casualisation, promotion requirements and work environment as predictors of work-related stress among female bank employees in Ibadan. It adopted a descriptive survey research design. A total of seventy (70) female bank employees, selected using convenience sampling technique, participated in the study. They responded to “Work Stress Scales, a battery of four scales. The battery comprised of Section A, which centres on respondents’ socio-demographic information, and four other scales; Work Stress Questionnaire (WSQ, 21 items, r=0.94), Casualization Descriptive Questionnaire (CDQ) (12-items, r=.77), researcher-developed Bank Staff Promotion Requirements Assessment Scale (15-items, r=.86) and Work Environment Assessment Scale for Banks (15-items, r=.88). Three research questions were raised and answered in the study, and data was analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis. Results revealed that all the independent variables (staff casualisation, promotion requirements and work environment) were significant at 0.05 level of significance (.883**, 435** and -.742**) to the prediction of work-related stress among female bank employees. It also revealed the joint contribution of independent variables (staff casualisation, promotion requirements and work environment) on dependent variable (work-related stress) was significant (f (351.029) = 8.597; R2= .920, R2=841, p<.05). About 84.1% variation was accounted for by the independent variables. Results also revealed that all of staff casualisation, promotion requirements and work environment were potent predictors of work-related stress. The most potent factor was promotion requirements, followed by staff casualisation, while work environment negatively correlated with work-related stress. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that the most effective way of reducing work stress is to eliminate the stressors by redesigning the jobs. Also, that bank management should employee permanent staff and not based on casualization, promotion requirement should be easy and humane and banks should to create work environment where employees take pleasure in their work, feel safe and secured, to ensure a stress-free work life.
Keywords: Staff Casualisation, Promotion Requirements, Work Environment, Work-related Stress, Female Bank Employees.
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