International Journal of Global Education (IJGE) ISSN: 2146-9296
<p><em><span style="font-size: 25.0pt;">International Journal of Global Education (IJGE)</span></em></p> <p><strong>Period : </strong>2 Issue / Year (one issue in June and one in December)</p> <p><strong>ISSN : </strong>2146-9296</p> <p><strong><a href="">IJGE_Manuscript_Template</a></strong></p> <p><strong>Indexing & Abstracting </strong> </p> <p><img src="" /></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Turkish Education Index (TEI)</strong></a><br /><a href=""><strong>ASOS Index</strong></a><br /><a href=""><strong>Google Scholar</strong></a></p> <p><img src="" /></p> <p>The International Journal of Global Education (IJGE) is a peer-reviewed, professional scientific journal. It is an international online journal in the field of globalization in education. It is initially focuses on the effects of the globalization on regional and national educational systems and pedagogical practices.</p> <p>This journal is published biannually (one issue in June and one in December). The article is to be submitted in English. IJGE publishes research studies employing a variety of qualitative and/or quantitative methods and approaches in the field of education.</p>en-USInternational Journal of Global Education (IJGE) ISSN: 2146-92962146-9296THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BIBLIOTHERAPY IN DEVELOPING COPING SKILLS IN CHILDREN DURING THE DIVORCE PROCESS
<p>The objective of the thesis was to assess the effects of bibliotherapy therapy method on process competence of 1 female and 1 male participant studying at the 1st grade of a primary school in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with their parents in a process of divorce. It was assumed that generated specific narrations will develop an inherent mechanism in participants and let them to reflect narrative solutions on their actual life; thus minimize the effects of divorce on children. Participatory action research method was used in this thesis. In data acquisition phase of the study, catharsis, insight, generalization questions, recorder and agenda of the researcher were used. Research findings and results revealed that participants were able to set a coherence with the characters in narrations generated with bibliotherapy method, had a chance to learn how to solve the problem, gained a new perspective, was able to produce alternative solutions to problems and cope with current difficulties. Besides, it was observed that inherent mechanisms of the participants were supported to allow them to develop strategies for the solution of problems through supporting indomitableness and coping skills, they were able to develop various coping skills.</p> <p><strong>Keyword: </strong>Divorce, coping skills, bibliotherapy, action research.</p> <h1><strong>REFERENCES</strong></h1> <p>Akoğlu, Ö. A., & Küçükkaragöz, H. (2018). Boşanma nedenleri ve boşanma sonrasinda karşilaşilan güçlüklere ilişkin bir araştirma: İzmir ili örneği. <em>Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet</em>, <em>29</em>(1), 153-172.</p> <p>Alkan, E. Ö. (2018). 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Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Global Education (IJGE) ISSN: 2146-9296
<p><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p>In this study, the mathematical thinking skills of sixth grade students were examined in terms of KISS theory. The term KISS stands for conceptual operational symbolic process. KISS theory is based on the procept theory developed by Gray & Tall (2004). KISS theory consists of three stages: the procedure, the operational process and the conceptual operational symbolic process. The research was designed as a case study method. Students' mathematical thinking skills were examined during the transition from arithmetic to algebra. The research was carried out with five sixth grade students. The students were selected on the basis of their average performance in the mathematics course. It was found that one student had a low level of achievement in mathematics, two students had a medium level of achievement and two students had a high level of achievement. The students had previous education on algebraic expressions. Semi-structured interview technique was used in the research. Five open-ended questions aimed at revealing their knowledge of arithmetic and algebra were asked to them. The descriptive analysis method was chosen as the data analysis method. It was seen that the sixth grade students were able to think correctly in the procedure and the operational process and the expressing the concept symbolically. Students were generally able to write correct symbolic expressions for verbal expressions. However, while explaining symbolic expressions, they generally preferred to give numerical values instead of unknowns. Therefore, they first realized concrete thinking. As a result, the students first carried out a process of thinking about the procedure and the operational process. Then, they made the transition to the stage of symbolic thinking by considering the concept and the operation together.</p>Esra AKARSU YAKAR Süha YILMAZ
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Global Education (IJGE) ISSN: 2146-9296
<p>Today, people tend to learn languages due to many needs. This situation can be considered in every field such as economy, education, trade, social and cultural relations. Interaction with different cultures has an impact on the socio-economic sphere of societies. Accordingly, the role of language teaching system and educators is very important. The methods and techniques used affect the student's interest in the language and the desire to learn. It is not possible to use single and static methods for an efficient language teaching process. Alternative and different methods should be used together. In this study, based on theses and articles, language teaching in three branches was examined comparatively and deficiencies were identified. Among the teachers serving in the fields of English Language Teaching, Turkish Language Teaching and Turkish Language Teaching to Foreigners, it was found that Turkish Language Teaching to Foreigners included higher levels of classroom practices in some variables. In some areas, Turkish teachers included higher levels of classroom activities. Accordingly, foreign language teaching deficiencies in Turkey were identified and some suggestions were presented.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Language teaching, language teaching methods, language instructors</p> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> <p>Acat, B. & Demiral, S. (2002).Türkiye’de Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Motivasyon Kaynakları ve Sorunları. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi.Yaz 2002, Sayı:31, ss.312-329.</p> <p>Atkinson, D. (1987). The mother-tongue in the classroom: a neglected resource?. ELT Journal, 41(4), 241-247.</p> <p>Biçer, N. (2017). Türkçenin yabancı dil olarak öğretiminde ana dilin etkisi. 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Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Global Education (IJGE) ISSN: 2146-9296