Today, people tend to learn languages due to many needs. This situation can be considered in every field such as economy, education, trade, social and cultural relations. Interaction with different cultures has an impact on the socio-economic sphere of societies. Accordingly, the role of language teaching system and educators is very important. The methods and techniques used affect the student's interest in the language and the desire to learn. It is not possible to use single and static methods for an efficient language teaching process. Alternative and different methods should be used together. In this study, based on theses and articles, language teaching in three branches was examined comparatively and deficiencies were identified. Among the teachers serving in the fields of English Language Teaching, Turkish Language Teaching and Turkish Language Teaching to Foreigners, it was found that Turkish Language Teaching to Foreigners included higher levels of classroom practices in some variables. In some areas, Turkish teachers included higher levels of classroom activities. Accordingly, foreign language teaching deficiencies in Turkey were identified and some suggestions were presented.
Keywords: Language teaching, language teaching methods, language instructors
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